More About Me

Hello and Thanks for stopping by! My name is Brittany Parra and
I am the owner of Brittany Parra Design and now,
The Happy Momma Hack.
I am a wife to a pilot, a mother of 2 beautiful and off the wall children, a songwriter and now an author to a children's book series.
My oldest is 5 and he is on the autism spectrum. You will hear a lot about my adventures (aka struggles) with autism in my blog. He is high functioning and growing every day. He loves dinosaurs and singing at the top of his lungs. My youngest is 3 and she is extremely intelligent for her age. She gives me a run for my money and dishes up more sass than my patience can handle most days. My household is silly and messy and we get it wrong as often as we get it right. But we strive to love each other, serve one another, apologize, and grow together every single day.
I am a self proclaimed "Jack of all trades, master of absolutely nothing."
I build children's furniture. I am a songwriter. I was the lead singer of a rock band. I did missions work in Africa. I'm a photographer. I managed a surf shop. I've owned a business. I build websites. I write books. I paint murals. I've spoken at events. I create employee training material. I've been a mentor. I've done floral arranging for weddings. But......
Everything you read about choosing a career or choosing a path for your blog tells you that to be successful, you have to find just one thing.
One thing that you want to focus on. While I believe that to hold a strong truth, I can't seem to find my one thing. I've spent the last few years absolutely frustrated because it seems like all success stories start with a big aha moment. I have not had one of those in regards to career choice. Just recently I was reading another blog and came across freelance opportunities. Then it hit me.
I can literally do whatever I want to do with my life.
If I want to design and create a child's bedroom for one client this week and
next week take on a business website rebuild.. I can! If I want to start a blog and cover topics like 'raising a child with autism', 'building your own kitchen table', 'how to calm mom rage', 'books I'm looking forward to reading this year', and 'how to handle your child getting bit at preschool".... guess what? I can! Once I had this revelation, that I could be a creative freelancer, I hit the ground running.
Enter The Happy Momma Hack.
I decided to finally start my blog because the longer I walk through life, the more I am challenged. The more challenges I face, the more I feel the need to read books on growth and development and network with other women and parents and leaders who have gone before me. I am learning so much. The more I learn, the more I want to share with those I know could also benefit from the information I have acquired. Pain that is used is not wasted. The tears that water us can be used to grow some beautiful gardens. It's time for me to give back and to hear from like minded people. To sharpen each other with our own stories and experiences. To develop each others weaknesses into strengths.
This is my why. Feedback and growth is always encouraged here.