Autism Awareness
April - and always.....
there. i said it.
For some, this is a tough reality, but once embraced-
it's a pretty epic journey! One that I am so incredibly blessed to walk with my son Cayden. To know him is to absolutely adore him, and to marvel at the fountain of information that flows from his wild mind. But this shop is not for him.. He is ONE of MANY amazing dinosaurs to roam this earth.
This shop is dedicated to our dear Miss Shelby.
I believe with my entire heart that Miss Shelby was hand picked by God to work with Cayden. She is a BCBA. Google it. The Short version is that she helps teach emotional regulation and life skills to special needs children and those on the spectrum (along with a billion other things). Cayden has a lot of social and sensory difficulties. Ones that I was not prepared to navigate. Miss Shelby is an unwavering, God-fearing, joy-exuding woman who encourages Cayden to speak, listens to the deeper issues, shines light on his strengths, sharpens his weaknesses, develops his confidence in himself and has been a safe place for him since he was 4. And I can't forget to mention all the times she walked me through the motherhood side of having an autistic child. All the tears and exhaustion, mental fatigue after meltdowns, help navigation the special education system and school hurdles. She is amazing at what she does and I want to do something to give back to someone who is literally making a difference in the lives of the spectrum community.
-Miss Shelby is a single mother.
-She is a full-time working, licensed BCBA Therapist.
-She is active in her church and serves her community well.
-AND SHE IS PUTTING HERSELF THRU SCHOOL TO FURTHER HER EDUCATION AND EXPAND HER CAREER. Her goal is to be a school teacher and serve spectrum children as they aim to transition into the classroom ((THIS IS WHAT CAYDEN NEEDED THE MOST. WE COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT HER.))
So Thank you. Thanks for visiting the shop and looking around. Thank you for making a purchase. Every dollar beyond expenses will be gifted to Miss Shelby ((Can't wait to surprise her with a blessing!!))
**FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $100. Free In-Store Pick-Up.
All other shipped orders will be billed at a flat rate fee of $9.95.
Just specify your preference at checkout.
Orders placed between April 20-30
will be processed together and
shipped out by May 8th.